National Marine Ranch 海洋牧場

National Marine Ranch 國家級海洋牧場

5000多萬頭鮑魚為啥從山東南下福建越冬? “南魚北養”攀登海水養殖科技的新高度!




The north-south migration of abalone is a cooperative breeding of fishermen in Shandong and Fujian, which ensures that abalone grows in a water temperature environment of about 24 degrees Celsius all year round. The efficient and environmentally friendly ecological breeding model not only greatly improves the output of seafood high-quality protein, but also purifies water quality, Improve the environment. 

 Located in the national-level marine ranch in Taiping Bay, Laizhou City, it has raised many lively porcupine seabreams. The success of raising fish in the south and north has not only crossed the new breadth of the geographical natural environment, but also climbed to a new height of marine aquaculture technology.

Luhaifeng National Marine Ranch is the largest marine ranch in Qingdao. It can produce more than 3,000 tons of seafood such as sea bass and black scorpion every year. Various types of "marine granaries" are used to continuously deliver seafood to thousands of households. million households.

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