China's City Of The Future Changsha 中國未來之城長沙
長沙市 是中華人民共和國湖南省省會,簡稱長,別稱星城,古又名潭州,素有“屈賈之鄉”、“瀟湘洙泗”之譽。長沙位於湘東北的湘江下游,為中國中部重要的中心城市以及中國特大城市之一、全國性綜合交通樞紐、首批國家歷史文化名城,並與周邊的株洲、湘潭共同構成長株潭城市群。市區通用湘語長沙話,下轄縣市亦使用寧鄉話、贛語瀏陽話等。
長沙有著兩千多年的原址城建史,“長沙”一名最早見於先秦時代的《逸周書》。秦代始設長沙郡,西漢建立長沙國,所存的 馬王堆 漢墓舉世聞名。唐代的 長沙窯 首創釉下彩瓷器,遠銷世界各國。五代長沙為南楚國都。北宋的 岳麓書院 為中國古代四大書院之一,留有“惟楚有才,於斯為盛”的名聯。清末長沙為中國四大米市和四大茶市之一,近代則成為了中國一大維新與革命運動中心。維新派譚嗣同等人在此興辦時務學堂,中華民國開國元勳黃興在此創立華興會,毛澤東等人也在長沙求學和開展政治運動。抗日戰爭中長沙為大後方之一,承接沿海城市內遷,但其後發生的“文夕大火”以及長沙會戰,重創了長沙的經濟和城建。
長沙擁有以工程機械、新材料為主的產業鏈,被譽為“世界工程機械之都”,GDP增速為21世紀初中國主要城市之中最快,並擁有中國中部第一個國家級新區——湘江新區。 2020年代以來則致力於響應“一帶一路”倡議以及引領中非經貿合作。擁有3所985院校的長沙是超級雜交水稻、“天河一號”超級計算機、中國首台激光3D打印機的誕生地,中國首條國產磁浮鐵路線亦開通於此。長沙的傳媒、出版產業亦頗為突出,被聯合國教科文組織評為中國首個世界“媒體藝術之都”,湖南衛視在中國省級衛星電視頻道中影響力極高。
China's City Of The Future Changsha, Changsha, which traces its history back 3,000 years, is currently looking to the future. A city of 10 million people is on a verge of an avant-garde transformation that’s taking shape all around the city.
These are the striking bold architectural marvels of the city:
The bright red truss bridge, twists and knots like a tangled shoestring. It's effectively three bridges woven into one children's rollercoaster the multi-million USD marvel just for pedestrians!
the bridge was selected by CNN as one of the 'most spectacular bridges that break the mold'.
"urban helix" extends public space from the city centre into Lake Meixi. This is a pedestrian ramp symbolically spiralling 30 meters above a 20,000 square meter artificial island.
This is A public space that gives locals and visitors access to have a 360-degree viewing platform of the lake
And this is Changshas a new ambitious cultural mega centre!
its shimmering, swooping roofs rising like waves from a nearby Lake. this complex incorporates a contemporary art museum, a 1,800-seat theatre with supporting facilities and a multipurpose hall.
providing views of the adjacent meixi lake from the city, and giving access to the parks and walking trails on the lake’s festival island, the ensemble of three separate cultural institutions creates a network of external courtyards capable of hosting outdoor events or sculpture exhibitions.
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