The Beauty of Chinese 中文有多美 - 现代诗
如果你不懂中文,你不会知道“天涯”有多远,断肠, 是怎样的一种思念。
你体会不到,有一种“愁”,是“恰似一江春水向东流” 。
你体会不到,有一种“喜”,可以“漫卷诗书喜欲狂” 。
你也体会不到,有一种“悲”,叫“十年生死两茫茫” 。
《The Beauty of Chinese》
If you don't understand Chinese, you will never understand:
The mountain can be called Cuiwei;
the sea can be called Cangyuan;
the cloud is Xianning, the wind is Fuyao,
the sun is Fuguang, and the moon is Wangshu.
If you don't understand Chinese, you won't know how far "The End of the World" is, and what kind of yearning the heartbroken is.
You can't feel that there is a kind of "sorrow", which is " just see the overbrimming river flowing east".
You can't feel that there is a kind of "joy", that can "Rolling up my verse books, my joy like madness looks".
You can't feel that there is a kind of "grief", called " For the long years the living of the dead knows nought".
I am proud, I am Chinese.
I am proud, I understand Chinese.
There is no second language in this world that can conjure up so many beauties and contain such deep feelings like Chinese.
The beauty of Chinese is incomparable; the beauty of Chinese is indescribable.
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