The Chinese Calendar 中國農曆

李永樂老師講中國曆法 About the Chinese Calendar
Guangzhou Beijing Road during the New Year's Day Holiday

The Chinese lunar calendar is commonly known as the lunar calendar, but it is actually a combined yin and yang calendar
The Gregorian calendar refers to the different dates determined according to the position of the earth around the sun
The lunar calendar refers to the determination of the date according to the movement of the moon around the earth
Due to the decisive role of the sun on the earth's environment, the Gregorian calendar is more convenient for guiding agricultural production
The Gregorian (Gregorian) calendar is typically the Gregorian calendar, while the Islamic calendar is typically the lunar calendar
Traditional Chinese legislation combines the characteristics of the two: use the Gregorian calendar to determine the year, and then use the changes of the moon phase to determine the month and day
For example, the twenty-four solar terms are a typical solar calendar, which is convenient for guiding agricultural production
In order to bridge the difference between the solar calendar year and the lunar calendar month, the ancient Chinese wisely proposed the concept of leap month
The twenty-four solar terms and the leap month are great inventions of the ancient Chinese, which provide many conveniences for production and life

Also related to the video:
How much is there in a year?
What are the twenty-four solar terms?
What's going on with the dichotomy?
When are the new moon and the full moon?

中國農曆俗稱陰曆, 但實際上是陰陽合歷
由於太陽對地球環境的決定作用, 陽曆更便於指導農業生產
公曆 (格里高利歷) 就是典型的陽曆, 而伊斯蘭歷則是典型的陰曆
中國傳統立法結合了二者的特點: 用陽曆來確定年, 再用月相的變化來確定月和日
例如二十四節氣,就是典型的太陽曆, 便於指導農業生產
為了 彌合太陽曆年和陰曆月之間的差別, 中國古人智慧的提出了閏月的概念



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