Aerial China Xinjiang 航拍 新疆

航拍中国 新疆 Aerial China Xinjiang


主要內容: 新疆是中國陸地面積最大的省份,南有崑崙山,北有阿爾泰山,中部是天山,這三座大山之間環抱著中國最大的兩個盆地。我們的空中旅程,從天山開啟,探尋水孕育生命的奧秘,在海拔5000米之上,親近博格達峰,在冰雪之中,造訪天池,向西飛進新疆最大的草原。

Xinjiang is the province with the largest land area in China. There are Kunlun Mountains in the south, Altai Mountains in the north, and Tianshan Mountains in the middle. These three mountains surround the two largest basins in China. Our air journey starts from the Tianshan Mountains to explore the mystery of water giving birth to life. At an altitude of 5,000 meters, we get close to Bogda Peak, visit Tianchi Lake in the snow and ice, and fly westward into the largest grassland in Xinjiang.

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