Aerial China - Henan 河南

航拍中国 第四季 河南:航拍黄河之水天上来 揭秘中国功夫发源地 
Aerial China - Henan


主要內容: 河南位於中國中部。這裡有中原的風度、文化的氣魄;這裡物產豐富、人傑地靈;這裡是中華文明重要的發源地之一,孕育了華夏幾千年的文明史!讓我們跟隨《航拍中國》第四季的空中旅程,漫步雲端,俯瞰河南。

Henan is located in central China. Here is the demeanor of the Central Plains and the spirit of culture; it is rich in products and outstanding people; it is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, which has nurtured the history of Chinese civilization for thousands of years! Let's follow the aerial journey of the fourth season of "Aerial China", walk through the clouds and overlook Henan.

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