Guiyang Qianchun Overpass 黔春立交

貴陽黔春立交橋 Guiyang Qianchun Overpass

Qianchun Overpass is as famous as Chongqing Huangjuewan Overpass. It is one of the most complex overpasses in China. It is also the largest and most complex overpass in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province - 5-story interchange, 11 ramps, 8 entrances and exits, with a total length of 5,270 meters , with a maximum vertical drop of 55 meters, dubbed "the roller coaster with the largest drop in Southwest China".

Looking down from the sky, the Qianchun overpass is crisscrossed like a maze, extending in all directions and majestic. The bridge is a traffic flow, and the bridge is a park. The environment is beautiful and the trees are shady. It is a good place for citizens to exercise and relax.

【四通八達】黔春立交橋同重慶黃桷灣立交橋齊名,係中國最複雜嘅立交橋之一,亦都係貴州省貴陽市最大、最複雜嘅立交橋——5層立體交叉、11條匝道、8個出入口,總長5270米,最大垂直落差達55米,被戲稱為「西南地區落差最大的過山車」。 從高空向下望,黔春立交橋縱橫交錯猶如迷宮,四通八達雄偉壯麗。橋上係車流,橋下係公園,環境優美 ,綠樹成蔭,係市民健身休閒嘅好地方。

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