EHang UAM Project 賀州 億航智能

賀州  億航智能 無人駕駛 航空實驗基地 Hezhou EHang UAM Project


億航與廣西賀州政府早在2020年簽訂了合作協議,億航已在賀州設立小型飛行器生產基地,逐步增加大型飛行器(包括大型物流飛機和新型大型飛行器等)生產基地,並設立民用無人駕駛航空實驗基地(試驗區)。億航在賀州的生產基地投產後,預計2021年實現年產3萬台小型無人機,並逐步完成億航216載人無人機、飛鯊 FlyShark200 物流機試飛跑道、生產廠房、機庫等建設。

Recently, the reporter learned that the Guangxi Hezhou Municipal Government plans to invest 2 billion yuan in EHang, a leading domestic intelligent manned aircraft enterprise. EHang will work with partners to build an autonomous aircraft industrial city and an aviation demonstration city to promote the development of urban air mobility (UAM). Industrial development and commercialization. It is expected that the first batch of projects will be completed and put into operation by the end of 2021, when Hezhou will become the world's first smart city with commercial operation of autonomous aircraft.

EHang signed a cooperation agreement with the Guangxi Hezhou government as early as 2020. EHang has set up a production base for small aircraft in Hezhou, gradually increasing the production base for large aircraft (including large logistics aircraft and new large aircraft, etc.), and set up civilian unmanned aerial vehicles. Aviation experimental base (test area). After the production base of EHang in Hezhou is put into operation, it is expected to achieve an annual output of 30,000 small UAVs in 2021, and will gradually complete the test runway, production plant, hangar, etc. building.

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