Dust Storm 敦煌 14级 沙塵暴

2021.07.25 “末日场景”甘肃敦煌遭遇14级强沙尘爆,百米高沙墙瞬间吞没一切,天空直接变土黄色,黄沙遮天蔽日秒变“沙城”太恐怖了

A dust storm, also called sandstorm, is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions. Dust storms arise when a gust front or other strong wind blows loose sand and dirt from a dry surface. Fine particles are transported by saltation and suspension, a process that moves soil from one place and deposits it in another.  Wikipedia

沙塵暴(英語:Dust storm)為沙暴與塵暴的總稱,是一種多發生在乾旱和半乾旱地區的天氣現象,由強風刮起乾燥地表上的鬆軟沙土和塵埃形成,其導致空氣混濁,能見度變低。

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