Baihetan Hydropower 白鶴灘水壩

China launches new mega hydroelectric dam in June 28, 2021

白鶴灘水電站6月28日首批機組投產發電,它的單機容量100萬千瓦,位居全球第一。 100萬千瓦是一個什麼概念呢,相當於這台機組每運轉一秒就能發大約278度的電。而在白鶴灘水電站一共有16台這樣的百萬千瓦水輪發電機組。白鶴灘水電站總裝機容量1600萬千瓦,僅次於三峽工程,位居世界第二,多年平均發電量為624.43億千瓦時。



China’s second-largest hydroelectric dam started storing water on April 6, 2021, paving the way for it to begin generating electricity in July. The Baihetan Hydropower Station is located on the Jinsha River and straddles the southwestern provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. The electricity-generating capacity of the facility will be second only to the world’s largest dam, the Three Gorges Dam in China’s central Hubei province.

中國第二大水電大壩於2021年4月6日開始蓄水,為7月開始發電鋪平了道路。 白鶴灘水電站位於金沙江,橫跨雲南和四川的西南省份。 該設施的發電能力將僅次於世界最大的水壩,即中國中部湖北省的三峽大壩。

白鶴灘水電站 是一座位於中國雲南省巧家縣與四川省涼山彝族自治州宁南縣交界的金沙江峽谷的水電站,壩址左岸距四川省宁南縣城約66 km,距西昌市195 km;右岸距巧家縣城約45 km,距昆明292 km。是金沙江下游四個水電梯級電站中的第二個梯級,是中國繼三峽水電站和溪洛渡水電站之後的第三座 10 GW 級巨型水電站,建成後將成為世界装机容量僅次於三峽水電站的第二大水電站,发电量第三大水電站,和世界单机容量最大的水电站。

白鶴灘水電站樞紐由攔河壩、洩洪消能設施、引水發電系統等主要建築物組成。攔河壩為混凝土雙曲拱壩,壩頂高程834 m,最大壩高289 m。洩洪建築物由壩身6個表孔和7個深孔、壩後水墊塘、左岸3條無壓洩洪直洞組成。引水隧洞採用單機單洞豎井式佈置,尾水系統採用2機共用1條尾水隧洞的佈置形式,左右岸各佈置4條尾水隧洞,其中左岸結合3條、右岸結合2條導流洞佈置。左右岸地下廠房內各佈置8台 1.000 GW 水輪發電機,是世界首座單機容量達到 1 GW 等級的水輪發電機組。電站總裝機容量16.00 GW,保證出力5.50 GW,多年平均發電量64.1 TWh,正常蓄水位825 m,死水位765 m,水庫總庫容20.6 km3,調節庫容10.4 km3,防洪庫容7.5 km3,施工總工期144個月


The Baihetan Dam (simplified Chinese: 白鹤滩大坝; traditional Chinese: 白鶴灘大壩; pinyin: Báihètān Dàbà) is a large hydroelectric dam under construction on the Jinsha River, an upper stretches of the Yangtze River in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, in the southwest of China. The dam is a 277 m tall double-curvature arch dam with a crest elevation of 827 m. Its width will be 72 m at the base and 13 m at the crest. It is considered the last large hydropower project in China to be completed, starting from the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.

The facility will generate power by utilizing 16 turbines, each with a generating capacity of 1,000 MW, taking the generating capacity to 16,000 MW. In terms of generating capacity, it will be the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the world, after the Three Gorges Dam. When finished, it will be the third largest dam in China and the fourth in the world, in terms of dam volume. The dam was originally scheduled to be constructed between 2009 and 2018. Actual construction started in 2017.

The reservoir started filling in April 2021, with the dam to start partial electricity generation in July of the same year. By July 2022, the dam should be fully operational. Experts have noted the 4-year construction period as being exceptionally fast for a project of its type. (Source: Wikipedia)

  • The speed of Baihetan’s construction has raised eyebrows, in a country where rapid infrastructure building is the norm
  • Project team says it would not have been possible without the extensive use of artificial intelligence
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