Pu'er Coffee 普洱咖啡 甲天下

Yunnan Coffee  普洱 咖啡 甲天下

無窮之路: 一顆小豆最終令村民成功脫貧

Yunnan has long been known for its fertile highlands, which produce some of the most delicate and flavorful teas in China. Now, producers have begun to utilize these lush green mountains to create rich and complex coffee with soft nut and honey flavors.

This paradigm-shifting selection from one of the most beautiful agricultural centers in the world establishes China as a producer of refined and dynamic coffees. Producers have accomplished this incredible breakthrough by utilizing strict quality control methods and by working closely with harvesters to ensure that only ripe and flavorful cherries are produced. 

The resulting cup displays a dynamic honey-like sweetness balanced by earthy tea flavors and a touch of fruit. A new coffee drinking experience that marks a new era for Chinese coffee.  

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