Computer Vision Fei Fei Li 李飛飛

TED Talk: How We Teach Computers to Understand Pictures | Fei Fei Li 李飛飛

When a very young child looks at a picture, she can identify simple elements: "cat," "book," "chair." Now, computers are getting smart enough to do that too. What's next? In a thrilling talk, computer vision expert Fei-Fei Li describes the state of the art — including the database of 15 million photos her team built to "teach" a computer to understand pictures — and the key insights yet to come.

Fei-Fei Li (born 1976), who publishes under the name Li Fei-Fei(Chinese: 李飛飛/李飞飞), is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. She is the director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL) and the Stanford Vision Lab. She works in the areas of computer vision and cognitive neuroscience. Wikipedia

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1 comment:

  1. Google is opening an AI center in Beijing, its first such center in Asia, the tech giant announced on Wednesday (Dec 13,2017) during the annual Google Developer Days event in Shanghai. The Beijing center will consist of a team of AI researchers and engineers lead by Fei Fei Li (李飛飛).

