China's Sexual Revolution 中國的性革命

China's Sexual Revolution - Documentary 中國的性革命

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Revolution and its sizzling Economic Revolution. But you haven't heard about its other great social upheaval - the Chinese Sexual Revolution - and like everything in that country it's happening at warp speed. It's China's version of the 60s revolution - on steroids.

China's Sexual Revolution is the world's first glimpse - often using secret cameras - into this forbidden new China. It's a surprising portrait of the Chinese today: the new free love generation that's left their parents in shock; the booming sex industry that's creating an HIV crisis; the new generation of career women and feminists that suddenly wants it all - while millions of men feel left out.

This long untold story goes back to the days of Chairman Mao, who made sexuality a great taboo. He ordered everyone to wear unisexual Mao suits, and forbid women from wearing sexy clothing, getting stylish haircuts, or even wearing make-up. Men and women were expected to be comrades - not lovers - though Mao himself enjoyed an emperor's sex life, seeking virgins to retain his "youthö".

China's sexual libido was bottled up for 50 years, but now itÆs bursting loose, with dramatic effects on marriage, personal freedom and the government itself.

Northern Europe 威爾士-挪威-冰島

Flower and Bird 花,鳥

Old Hong Kong 老香港

Switzerland 巴塞爾-琉森-蘇黎世

The Beauty of China 中国之美

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