Kingdom of the Little People 小人國

Kingdom of the Little People 小矮人帝國

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In a land far, far away, love flourishes in a kingdom quite unlike any other. In mushroom-shaped homes and old dormitories, a community of dwarfs—all less than 51 inches tall—can be found singing, dancing, and performing on a daily basis for visiting tourists.

The Kingdom of the Little People 小矮人王國 is a theme park located near Kunming, Yunnan that features comic performances by people with dwarfism. Supporters of the park claim that it provides employment to people who would otherwise be unable to find work, but it has been criticized for treating dwarfism as a humorous condition.

小矮人帝國, 簡稱小人國、矮人國,侏儒國​​,是指坐落在雲南省昆明市西山區碧雞鎮黑蕎母村,由雲南九彩雲蝶生物科技有限公司開發建設的以蝴蝶主題的大型生態主題公園,世界蝴蝶生態園(又名蝴蝶谷)內的一個特殊人群生活基地。

2009年四川商人陳明鏡創建小矮人主題公園,從當年5月份開始陸續從全國各地請來袖珍人入主園內的“小矮人帝國”。 “小矮人”們在這里安居樂業,他們根據自己的身份穿著各色的小衣服,有“國王”、“守護天使”、“軍隊”、“衛生部”甚至“外交部”,他們甚至組成了一個“小人國藝術團”,每天在公園為遊客表演節目,不少游客慕名而來,受到社會各界的關心和支持[2]。 “小人國”曾經被中國國內的眾多媒體,甚至墨西哥、日本、英國、德國等國外媒體所報導。

“小人國”的整體景觀並不非常豐富。到目前為止,它主要由一個階梯式的大平台,以及33個蘇斯博士風格的帶有歪煙囪供王國居民假裝居住的別墅組成。小矮人們在“別墅”裡更換演出服,度過演出間隙的休息時間,並在演出前被遊客們參觀並拍照留念。 Source: Wikipedia

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